Saturday, October 14, 2017

Do Washing Machines Eat Socks?

Do washing machines eat socks? Yes. Yes, they do.

They'll deny it, but we caught this one with the evidence. On top loading washing machines, there's a gap between the top of the basket and the top of the frame. Small items like socks can easily fit through there and get sucked into the drain pump.

If that happens, it can jam the drain pump like this one and cause the washing machine's motor to stop turning.

This sock was jammed in there so tightly that the drain pump wouldn't turn. This picture is after we played tug-of-war with the sock and the pump. It was in there so tightly, I had to use two hands on the needle-nose pliers while my friend Rex pulled on the pump.

The sock must have gone over the top of the drum and went right down the drain tube into the drain pump. 

The motor didn't appear to have sustained any damage and the washing machine is fine now. I can't say it learned its lesson though. Once they get a taste for socks, there may be no going back. 

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